About South

South Elementary has 24 classroom teachers that serve about 570 students. We serve 4 sections of every grade. Collectively we have close to 450 years of teaching experience, and over 650 years of parenting experience! Eleven of us have masters degrees, Ten of us have degrees in something in addition to Elementary Education. Eleven of us grew up in homes where one or both parents were teachers, and one of us suffered through having a father as a principal.
Twenty nine of us have specialized endorsements in things such as Reading, ESL, Early Childhood, Administration, Math, Special Education, DHH, STEM and teaching Gifted and Talented. We’ve lived or traveled all over the United States and been all over the world from Hong Kong & Taiwan to Japan; Some have probably RUN around the world if you could count their running miles.
Exceptional students attract exceptional teachers!!
Our Mission and Vision
The mission of South Elementary School, where excellence and achievement are traditions, is to prepare highly educated, self-reliant, socially sensitive students, by providing a relevant, Core Standards based education through the combined efforts of motivated students, involved parents, a dedicated and caring staff, and the effective use of community resources.
The staff of South Elementary has a vision of a school where teachers and students feel welcome and safe. We envision a school with high academic standards and behavioral expectations. Working together as a professional learning community, we see a school in which staff:
Have a common purpose and work together in collaborative teams to effectively use data to set SMART goals.
Use research based strategies for improving student achievement.
Monitor each students’ progress.
Enrich every student’s education through participation in the arts.
Provide a safe and consistent environment in which students have a right to thrive.
Savor opportunities to make a difference in a child’s life.