Take-Home Library

As part of our literacy program at South Elementary, we have an amazing take-home library. We are very excited to begin this program with your child.
Each week your child will bring home a book in a bag on his or her independent reading level. After your child has enjoyed reading the book several times (if appropriate), please sign next to the title of the book that has been read on the book title list, and send it back to school on your child’s designated grade level day. Our take-home librarian will send home a new book the same designated grade level day if the previous book has been returned and the book title card is signed. This is the schedule for the books to be sent home and the day that they are due back:
Monday…………………...Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade & Fourth Grade
Tuesday………………….. Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade & Third Grade
Wednesday……………. Kindergarten, First Grade & Second Grade
Thursday…………………. Kindergarten, First Grade, Second Grade & Third Grade
Research has shown over and over that children who read each night have great educational advantages. Here are some tips for children of different ages that can be used to enhance their reading experience:
Grades 2-5
Find a comfortable place. Preferably away from any distractions.
Set a certain time to read together or for your student to read alone each day.
Re-read the story or part of a chapter if possible! Re-reading provides great opportunities for your child to practice what they have already decoded.
Discuss the book after you have read it. Encourage your child to tell another family member about the book.
Grades K-1
Have your child point to certain words or letters as you read. (Letters in their name, etc.)
If the book has a certain phrase repeated over and over, have your child read it with you.
Point to the words as you read.
Have your child take a picture walk through the book before reading it.
Let them tell the story just by looking at the pictures.
Ask your child questions about what you read. For example:
What happened when...
How did they solve the problem?
Which character did you like best and why?
Allow your child time to decode each word before telling them what the letters say.
Please note lost or damaged books will cost $10.00 to replace.