Running club flyer

Sign Up Here starting on September 25th

Here is Run Club Info:

* Wednesdays from 3:30pm-4:00pm. {Sign ups will be open Aug.25- Sept. 5 via completed google form until max is reached.}
Max club members: Please fill out google form in order to participate.
Please do separate forms for each student if you have multiple children.
Running club will be filled by first 75 students registered.
Dates: Wednesdays starting September 6 - October 25 (weather
permitting). No running club will be held during CCR week October 4th.
Meet at upper playground grass area. Each student will receive a punch
card kept by us, to track laps run. Foot tokens are earned for each mile
run. Awards and tokens earned will be passed out at completion by
November 1st.
* Running club will only be held weather permitting.  Cancellations will be sent via South remind texts. 
Running club ends at 4:00pm. Parents must pick up their children up at
that time. Wear good shoes and bring a water bottle to hydrate.